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For those of you who've been following ZMake, this month is August, and it's also some of the hottest days in Sanfu.

Several Zmake partners are suffering from heat stroke, because of the busy work, because of the design industry brought all kinds of hard, here to wish everyone, 

in the last hottest days, pay more attention to rest, drink more water.

After the hard work and busy, we will have a harvest, so today to share with you this article, we define as Zmake annual release.

Today's article is also very important, Because this is our second attempt at low cost, fast time, high results.The hard installation cost of 1900 yuan /㎡, soft installation cost of 680 yuan /㎡.

We firmly believe that the overall trend and economic situation in the future will put more demands on our interior designers.Especially in the cost, time and effect between the three dimensions of repeated competition, at the same time to make a better design products.As a relatively ordinary business case, making a space with high flow effect in a short time at a 

low cost and operating in a certain and unique mode will greatly promote the overall return on investment, which may be a normal business design.

In the works shared this time, in our plane layout, the two large columns in the existing space are appropriately arrayed and the appropriate geometric treatment is carried out.

We summarize a little experience to share to everyone, under the support environment in low cost , we try to create a ceremony, mystery of the space, and the color of the space, 

color, contrast is uplifting, so more convenient to create a unique space, that this is a little experience to share with everyone.

In this space, we still use the common techniques of clumsy people and the simple presentation of space and geometric forms with architectural sense, coupled with the 

ornament of color and the integration of some local original art installations.


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